The science component is comprised of coursework in the major: 7 hours in core courses and 25 hours in electives.


TSM 486 Grain Bioprocessing Coproducts 3 hours
ABE 488 Bioprocessing Biomass for Fuel 4 hours
ABE 594 Graduate Seminar - required for two semesters 0 hours


Students must complete 25 hours of electives. Electives should be based on individual career interests and priorities and in consultation with the faculty advisor. Pre-approved course options are listed below. Of the 25 hours of electives, at least 12 hours must be in 500-level courses, 8 within the department. Electives are selected in consultation with the program’s advisor. 



Semester 1: Fall
Science ABE 488  Bioprocessing Biomass for Fuel
ABE 594 Graduate Seminar
CHBE 594 Bioenergy Technology
CPSC 415 Bioenergy Crops
  Two 2-hour courses; varies by cohort
PSM 501 - PSM Industry Seminar I (all semester)
Semester 2: Spring
Science ABE 446 Biological Nanoengineering
ACE 516 Environmental Economics
ENG 471 Seminar Energy & Sustainable Engineering
TSM 486 Grain Bioprocessing Coproducts
Business Two 2-hour courses; varies by cohort
PSM 502 - PSM Industry Seminar II (all semester)
Summer Internship
PSM 555 - PSM Internship
Semester 3: Fall
Science ABE 594 Graduate Seminar
FSHN 471 Food and Industrial Microbiology
ENG 571 Theory of Energy & Sustainable Engineering
TSM 438 Renewable Energy Applications
Business One 2-hour course; varies by cohort
PSM 503 - PSM Industry Seminar III (all semester)
December Graduation


Elective Course Options

Course # Course Title Credit Hours
ABE 436 Renewable Energy Systems
ABE 446 Biological Nanoengineering 3 or 4
ABE 456 Land & Water Resources Engineering 3 or 4
ABE 482 Package Engineering
ABE 488 Bioprocessing Biomass for Fuel 3
ABE 498 Special Topics 2
ABE 597 Independent Study 1 to 4
ACE 406 Environmental Law 3 or 4
ACE 410 Energy Economics 3 or 4
ACE 411  Environmental Development 3 or 4
ACE 431 Agri-food Strategic Management 3
ACE 451 Agriculture in International Development 3 or 4
ACE 455 International Trade in Food and Agriculture 3
ACE 456 Agriculture and Food Policies 3 or 4
ACE 406 Environmental Law 3
ACE 510 Advanced Natural Resource Economics 4
ACE 516 Environmental Economics 4
ACE 559 Food, Trade and Development 2
ACE 562 Applied Regression Models 2
ACE 563 Math Program Applied Economics I 2
ACE 567 Math Program Applied Economics II 2
ACE 592 Special Topics 3
ATMS 507 Climate Dynamics 4
BADM 520 Marketing Management 2
BADM 543 Technology Strategy 2
BADM 597 Global Strategy 2
BADM 598 Managing Technology & Innovation 1
BIOE 474 Metabolic Engineering 4
CEE 443 Environmental Engineering Principles, Chemical 4
CEE 444 Environmental Engineering Princples, Biological 4
CEE 449 Environmantal Engineering Lab 3
CEE 491 Decision and Risk Analysis 3 or 4
CEE 498 Water Technology & Policy 3 or 4
CEE 535 Environmental Systems II 4
CEE 592 Sustainable Urban Systems 4
CHBE 421 Momentum and Heat Transfer 4
CHBE 422 Mass Transfer Operations 4
CHBE 424 Chemical Reaction Engineering 3
CHBE 431 Process Design 4
CHBE 471 Biochemical Engineering 3 or 4
CHBE 478 Bioenergy & Biofuels Technology 3
CHBE 594 Special Topics (H. Zhao) 4
CHBE 594 Special Topics (C. Rao) 4
CPSC 415 Bioenergy Crops 3
CPSC 418 Crop Growth and Management 3
CPSC 419 Midwest Agricultural Practices 1
CPSC 431 Plants and Global Change 3
CPSC 440 Applied Statistical Methods I 4
CPSC 448 Biological Modeling 3 or 4
CPSC 453 Principles of Plant Breeding 4
CPSC 466 Genomics for Plant Improvement 2
CPSC 484 Plant Physiology 3
CPSC 488 Soil Fertility and Fertilizers 3
CPSC 489 Photosynthesis 3
CPSC 518 Crop Growth and Development 4
CPSC 555 Crop Germplasm Resources 2
CPSC 563 Chromosomes 3
CPSC 566 Plant Gene Regulation 4
CPSC 567 Bioinformatics & Systems Biology 4
CPSC 588 Plant Biochemistry 4
CPSC 598 Seminar 1
ECON 516 Environmental Economics  4
ENG 465 Business Technical Consulting 4
ENG 471 Seminar Energy & Sustainable Engineering 1
ENG 571 Theory of Energy & Sustainable Engineering 3
FSHN 414 Food Chemistry 3
FSHN 460 Food Processing Engineering 3
FSHN 461 Food Processing I 4
FSHN 462 Food Processing II 2
FSHN 464 Beverage Science & Technology 2
FSHN 465 Principles of Food Technology 3
FSHN 471 Food & Industrial Microbiology 3
FSHN 514 Advanced Food Chemistry 3
FSHN 517 Fermented & Distilled Beverages 2
FSHN 574 Value Added Biotransformation  3
GEOG 466 Environmental Policy 3 or 4
GEOG 468 Biological Modeling 3 or 4
GEOG 496 Climate & Social Vulnerability 3 or 4
ID 411 Bioinspiration 3
INFO 490 Foundations of Data Science 1 to 4
LA 590 Directed Research 3
LER 524 HRM for Scientists & Engineers 2
MCB 424 Microbial Biochemistry 3
MCB 430 Molecular Microbiology 3
MCB 436 Global Biosecurity 1
MCB 450 Introductory Biochemistry 3
MCB 534 Advanced Microbial Metabolism 1
ME 400 Energy Conversion Systems 4
MSE 497 Independent Study 1
NPRE 470 Fuel Cells & Hydrogen Sources 3
NPRE 475 Wind Power Systems 4
NRES 419 Environment and Plant Ecosystems 3
NRES 425 Natural Resources Law & Policy 3
NRES 426 Renewable Energy Policy 3
NRES 456 Integratie Ecosystems Management 3
NRES 475 Environmantal Microbiology 3
NRES 488 Soil Fertility and Fertilizers 3
PS 480 Energy and Security 3
TSM 438 Renewable Energy Applications 3
TSM 486 Grain Bioprocessing Coproducts 3
UP 456 Sustainable Planning Workshop 4
UP 480 Sustainable Design Principles 2
UP 511 Law and Planning 4

Course numbers and titles are subject to change.  Please note that some courses are only offered in select terms. For more information, please reference the Illinois Course Catalog.

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